Lord, what is the most important subject to deal with today?

The answer is easy: the awakening of consciousness, which I have been repeating to you since My First Words, and I will continue doing in different ways. When this is achieved, there will be peace, respect for all Creation, unconditional love for each other and there will be a new Era for the Planet in which God is Alive.


Lord, why do we believe (as they taught us) that if we do well, or we go wrong, that that is Your will?

1.- I would never wish to harm you.

2.- It is easier to blame another for your own misfortunes.

3.- People do not like taking responsibility for their actions.

4.- It is a form of control, through fear of punishment exercised by religions.

5.- It is a cultural way of saying it, that shapes the thinking to believe that what happens in their lives is beyond their control.


Is our luck a function of Your decisions?

I do not decide for you. There are Universal Laws that take control of your lives, based on your actions, thoughts, words, deeds and omissions. Please remember this, because many times to stop doing something is a crime.


So You are responsible for who we are, what we have (good or bad)?

Your question is totally infantile. It is the same way that children believe their parents are responsible for everything. There are some adults who also believe that. I have a lot of children who think like that. But no. I am not responsible; I'm not even responsible for you being here in the world. That is individual choice, and more than individual, spiritual. 

Is there mercy?

 Human or Mine? Because in both, as Divine consciousness, you, made in My image and likeness, possess this gift. To be merciful is to be pained by the suffering of others and act with compassion toward others.


Can we receive God's Mercy?

 What do you believe you live by? What do you think is the purpose of My speaking to you, by different means in different ways, in a great effort to save you from destruction? All this is an act of mercy to you.


What must we do or achieve to receive God's Mercy?

 Nothing really. The sole fact of being My children gives you the right to have it. Ask and you shall receive.


Lord and Father, what is Your Will?

My Will for you is that you be My Image and Likeness.


How can we be like Your image?

 Listen to me. It is a step forward and I will guide you just like a father guiding his son. If you let Me be in charge, I will guide you, little by little. Nobody is born knowing; it is as if you were just born.


Does this mean that to be like Your image is a slow, constant, individual process?

It is an individual, constant process, but not necessarily slow. It could also be a fast process. 








Return to the beginning

I reside inside each and every one of you
Being aware, increasing consciousness

With being aware of one's own self, of others, towards our brothers of other kingdoms (animal, vegetable) that collaborate with us for the good of the planet, they will be able to break this cycle and to resume contact with the Individual Spirit, and therefore with God.  

Only in this way Holy Spirit will be able to descend to man, this time not only in the person of Jesus but also the Holy Spirit will be with you waiting for THE GREAT ERA: God The Father, God The Son and God The Holy Spirit, joined to His children, and we will all be One. A single language will be spoken and all will be dressed in white. There won't be races, colors, nor frontiers and the Kingdom of God on Earth will set up. This is the Word of God.  

You, Miguel Ángel, have the capacity, intelligence and resources to put in order, translate and get this message to humanity. Now it is your turn to respond. What God says is Law.  

            I request love and respect for Nature, as well as to your human brothers and respect for their rights.


            July 1, 2011

The Mission fulfilled today is of great importance, not only for you in your lives but as an evolving group. Anyone who contacts the Page even if it be in just one word will incorporate into his life the consciousness of his origin. This is why it is called the Word of God. And although the messages ramble through various concepts concerning human life and many species known and unknown by you, the central message is the same: to raise awareness of your origin and destiny to get back the consistency between what you are and what your actions are.

It seems to apply only to the Animal Kingdom, that proportionately is less aggressive than the Human Race. 

The rest of the animals act without consciousness, but only in an effort to survive. There is no evil implied. 

Humans act without conscience but with evil intent. It is again time to make them aware of who they are, not only through religion, but also through reason and personal experience of communication with the Creator. 


For many the word God is in itself synonymous for the intangible, untenable and incomprehensible reality, and there are even those who reported my death (a quality I don't possess: I AM ETERNAL) in a desperate and unsuccessful effort to take control of their lives, alienated in ignorance of free will. However, inherent in the human condition, though ignored, is the fact that when the consciousness is contacted, control is retaken of the Being in the world and its fundamental purposes beyond existence.

This is the moment that

the Son of God

takes control of His children and takes possession of what belongs to Him:

The Creation.


What is Divine Justice?

 I'll answer in two words:

Free will. 


         Lord, all that about interplanetary and intergalactic travel and alien craft disturbs me greatly and I suspect it takes away the seriousness of the page. What do you think?

Life on other planets and in other parts of the Universe, as well as in other galaxies, is a fact. I know there are many myths about it, also mysticism by governments aware of this possibility, that they jealously conceal, as if they were the owners of the Ark of the Covenant. Despite this, much information has been leaked to the world, although only as mere rumors.

To put it on the page is a risk, as is the Page itself. There are those who find it convincing; others do not.

There is a great variety of information that each one chooses, according to his or her convictions. The important thing is to permeate the different mentalities, in the awareness that it is your Creator who answers your questions. 


What is free will?

 It is the unconditional respect that I give you to decide everything pertaining to your lives, from the right to exist, to that of not existing.


What is consciousness?

Consciousness is the awakening of human beings to their Divine origin, to be one with the Whole. It is to be aware of all that is and all that surrounds you. It is to be aware of all your actions and be responsible for them. To be conscious or aware is to be the owner of your existence, but in harmony with Me.


Is it true that even if a person was evil, if he repents of his actions at the last moment before death, he will be forgiven and absolved of his sins?

 No; instead of Divine Justice, it would be Divine injustice. It's not the same activity that makes a person honest, disciplined and kind that makes one wicked, malicious, reckless, aggressive. It's not possible that two routes go the same way. Everything is subject to the Law of Cause and Effect and the Laws of Karma.